On-Demand: Foundations of Federal Grants Management
- Non-member - $298
- Grants Management Professional - $298
- Program Staff - $298
- Other - $298
- Byrne Jag SAA - $298
- VOCA Compensation Administrator - $298
- VOCA Assistance Administrator - $298
- VOCA Assistance & Compensation Administrator - $298
- VOCA Compensation Staff - $298
- VOCA Assistance Staff - $298
- VOCA Assistance & Compensation Staff - $298
- VOCA Compensation & Byrne JAG Administrator - $298
- VOCA Assistance & Byrne JAG Administrator - $298
- VOCA Assistance, Compensation & Byrne JAG Administrator - $298
- VOCA Compensation & Byrne JAG Staff - $298
- VOCA Assistance & Byrne JAG Staff - $298
- VOCA Assistance, Compensation & Byrne JAG Staff - $298
This on-demand virtual training package provides grant managers with everything they need to know to successfully meet their responsibilities as a recipient and administrator of federal grant funding. The training includes essential information, tools and resources.
Who: This training is designed for grant managers who administer Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne JAG) funding, but will also benefit those who administer federal criminal justice grant funds including Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT), Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement, (Coverdell), Sexual Assault Services Formula Grants (SASP), Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) and American Rescue Plan (ARPA).
What: This training package includes ten self-paced modules.
Session 1, 3 modules: focused on Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Receipients at the Pre-Award Phase
Session 2, 3 modules focused on Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients at the Award and Post-Award Phase
Session 3, 4 modules focused on Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients as Pass-Through Entitles
Participants will:
· Examine programmatic and financial components for managing federal funds from pre-award through close out,
· Understand the legal hierarchy and precedence involved in the appropriations and authorizations processes for federal funding,
· Examine requirements of 2CRF Part 200, the DOJ Financial Guide, Award Conditions and what they mean for your agency,
· Understand important components of internal controls and how to enhance prevention of fraud, waste and abuse of federal funds,
· Clarify the roles and responsibilities of Federal Grant Points of Contact (POCs); Agency Administrators, Grant Managers and Financial Points of Contact (FPOC),
· Learn how to address and comply with universal and special conditions linked to awards and reconcile those with state priorities,
· Understand the grant manager’s role as “Coach” and best practices for delivering technical assistance for subgrantee success,
· Learn and apply recipient and subrecipient risk management and monitoring tools and techniques,
· Understand reporting requirements, timelines and systems,
· Learn how to prepare for audits and develop and monitor for corrective actions plans, and
· Locate and access ongoing grant management resources, including free resources to improve your policies and procedures and enhance equity in your grant making processes.
Contains 9 Component(s)
Session 3: Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients During the Award and Post-Award Phases covers overall responsibilities as a pass through entity of federal funding.
Session 3: Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients as a Pass-Through Entity of JAG Funding
Offered in 3 self-paced modules, Session 3 covers overall responsibilities as a pass through entity of federal funding during the award and post award phase.
Topics include:
· The roles and responsibilities of subgrant management staff from a programmatic and financial perspective,
· The subgrant application process and aligning subgrant application solicitations with the state’s JAG priorities and strategic plan,
· The process of subawarding funding, including the supporting subgrantees to comply with federal rules, regulations and other award conditions,
· Reporting requirements for subgrantees of federal funds,
· Executive Order (13945) on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government and what it means for grant making, and
· Grant management recruitment and retention.
Contains 6 Component(s)
Session 2: Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients During the Award and Post-Award Phases. This on-demand session will cover overall responsibilities as a recipient of federal funding during the award and post award phase.
Session 2: Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients During the Award and Post-Award Phases.
Offered in 3 self-paced modules, session 2 covers overall responsibilities as a recipient of federal funding during the award and post award phase.
Topics include:
· Implementing effective grant management processes, including best practices for programmatic and financial management.
· Determining who does what and when; Financial POCs, Programmatic POC, SAA, etc.
· Meeting pass-through mandates and ensuring compliance,
· JAG award periods, addressing restrictions and requesting extensions,
· Submitting grant award modifications,
· Meeting universal and special conditions,
· Common administrative and pass-through requirements,
· Making subrecipient vs contractor determinations,
· Following proper procurement processes,
· Grant monitoring including administrative, financial and programmatic monitoring,
· The process for closing out an award and best practices for records retention.
Contains 6 Component(s)
Session 1: Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients During the Pre-Award Phase lays the foundation for the 3-part series and provides an overview of the phases of grant management from pre-award through post-award phases as well as setting the stage for success at the beginning of the grant process.
Session1: Grant Management Responsibilities of the SAA and Direct Recipients During the Pre-Award Phase.Offered in a 3 self-paced modules, session 1 lays the foundation for the 3-part series and provides an overview of the phases of grant management from pre-award through post-award and close-out as well as setting the stage for success at the beginning of the grant process.
Topics include:
· Responsibilities as a federal grant recipient,
· Legal hierarchy and precedence involved in the appropriations and authorization process,
· Authorizing Legislation and the nine purpose areas for Byrne JAG (including new Byrne SCIP)
· Requirements of the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200), DOJ Financial Guide, and award conditions
· Clarifying the Role of State Agents (FPOC, POC, SAA and others)
· Common expectations of all Federal sources and maintaining the balance with state priorities,
· The application process and program design,
· Direct JAG funding to local government,
· Required Certifications and Assurances,
· JAG Penalties and Set Asides,
· Budget Development and Allowable vs Unallowable Costs,
· System for Award Management Registration,
· Updating Internal Controls and File Contents, etc.